Mirielle Mason
A student in Creighton University's School of Pharmacy
More about me:

I came to Creighton in 2018 and graduated in 2024 with my PharmD. My time in music ministry on campus led to leadership positions and eventually my involvement with Creighton Online Ministries, which I am still relatively new to. I am now married and following my passion for working in the Long-Term-Care industry. As a military spouse, I do my best to embrace the chaos and enjoy the ride life brings! In my free time, I love to make music, read, and spend time with my horse. 

Writing these reflections:

The opportunity to write these reflections was given to me when covid had taken a different ministry opportunity away. It has healed a part of me, and I am humbled to contribute my young thoughts to this vast world. 

Other links to me:

e-mail: mrm19600@creighton.edu