* Indicates incomplete or uncertain data.

The UCA Martyrs

The UCA killings.

Martha Doggett. A Death Foretold: The Jesuit Murders in El Salvador. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1993. In-depth history of the UCA murder case.

Teresa Whitfield. Paying the Price: Ignacio Ellacuría and the Murdered Jesuits in El Salvador. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. The story of Ellacuría and El Salvador through the lens of the UCA murders.

*Joseph E. Mulligan, S.J. The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Celebrating the Anniversaries. Baltimore: Fortkamp, 1994. Remembering the UCA martyrs in historical context. Graphic photos. [Fortkamp has moved from Baltimore.]

Ron Hansen. "Hearing the Cry of the Poor: Jesuit Priests, El Salvador, 1989," in an Bergman, ed., Martyrs: Contemporary Writers on Modern Lives of Faith. Orbis, 1998, pp. 33-55.

Dean Brackley. "Remembering the UCA Martyrs: Ten Years Later," Conversations, Fall 1999.


By and about the UCA martyrs. Jon Sobrino, Ignacio Ellacuría, et al. Companions of Jesus: The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador. Orbis, 1990. Essays by and about the UCA martyrs.

Instituto de Estudios Centroamericanos and El Rescate. The Jesuit Assassinations: The Writings of Ellacuría, Martín-Baró and Segundo Montes, with a Chronology of the Investigation. Sheed &Ward, 1990.

Ignacio Ellacuría, Ignacio Martín-Baró and Segundo Montes. Toward a Society That Serves Its People: The Intellectual Contribution of El Salvador’s Murdered Jesuits. John Hassett and Hugh Lacey, eds. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1991. Essays by Ellacuría, Martín-Baró and Montes with thorough bibliography.

Ignacio Ellacuría. Freedom Made Flesh: The Mission of Christ and His Church. Orbis, 1976.

Ignacio Martín-Baró. Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Adrianne Aron and Shawn Corne, eds. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1994.

Juan Ramón Moreno. Gospel and Mission: Spirituality and the Poor. Manila: Cardinal Bea Institute, Ateneo de Manila University, 1995.

Kevin F. Burke, The Ground Beneath the Cross: The Theology of Ignacio Ellacuria (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, forthcoming, 2000).


The UCA. Charles J. Beirne, S.J. Jesuit Education and Social Change in El Salvador. Garland Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 5. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1996. History and educational philosophy of the UCA.

Dean Brackley, S.J. "Christian University and Liberation: The Challenge of the UCA." Discovery (Jesuit International Ministries), Dec. 1992, pp. 1-17 (out of print); reprinted in British Journal of Theological Education 9/1 (Spring 1997). Educational philosophy of the UCA and its challenge for Christian education.

Luis Calero, S.J. "A Christian University at the Service of the Poor," in Robert S. Pelton, C.S.C. From Power to Communion: Toward a New War of Being Church Based on the Latin American Experience. (Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994), pp. 37-62.

*Robert Lassalle-Klein. Book on the UCA forthcoming.

Cf. essays in Toward a Society that Serves Its People, Hassett and Lacey, eds. (above).


Films and Videos

A Question of Conscience: The Murder of the Jesuit Priests in El Salvador. A film by Ilan Ziv. Icarus/Tamouz Production. First Run Features, 153 Waverly Pl., New York, NY 10014.

*"Good News from El Salvador, Fr. Jon Sobrino, S.J." Reflections on the murder of six Jesuit priests and two women in San Salvador in November 1989. The address covers such issues as keeping the martyrs alive, touching the idols, being human and solidarity. Produced by CAFOD (England), Catholic Relief Services (USA), Trocaire (Ireland), etc.

Killing Priests Is Good News. BBC, 1990. Features J. Sobrino, W. Ford and D. Brackley.

*A new video has been produced for the tenth anniversary of the UCA martyrs and can be acquired by contacting the Jesuit Curia in Rome.

Enemies of War, a film by Esther Cassidy (1999), covers the legacy of the martyrs in El Salvador during the last 9 years. It should be aired by PBS, but you can get an uncut version from Esther even now at: <>.


El Salvador and Central America:
General Background, U.S. Involvement, Church of the Poor


Kevin Murray and Tom Barry. Inside El Salvador. Albuquerque, NM: Interhemispheric Relations, 1995. Probably the best current introduction to the country.

Anna L. Peterson. Martyrdom and the Politics of Religion: Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador’s Civil War. Binghampton: SUNY Press, 1997.

Scott Wright. Promised Land: Death and Life in El Salvador. Orbis, 1994. Stories of hope and tragedy among the poor during the war in El Salvador.

Scott Wright et al., eds. El Salvador: A Spring Whose Waters Never Run Dry. Washington: EPICA, 1990.

Ann Butwell, et al., eds., The Globalization of Hope: Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean in the New Millenium. EPICA’s 30th Anniversary Anthology: Vol. I (on the social reality of the region). Washington: EPICA, 1998.

Ann Butwell, et al., eds., We Make the Road by Walking: Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean in the New Millenium. EPICA’s 30th Anniversary Anthology: Vol. II (on religious reality in the region). Washington: EPICA, 1998.

Donna Whitson Brett and Edward T. Brett. Murdered in El Salvador: The Stories of Eleven U.S. Missionaries. Orbis, 1988.

María López Vigil. Don Lito of El Salvador. Orbis, 1990. Out of print. Outstanding testimony concerning Christian base communities and the church of the poor.

María López Vigil. Death and Life in Morazán: A Priest’s Testimony from a War Zone in El Salvador. Washington: EPICA, 1989.

Pablo Galdámez. Faith of a People: The Life of a Basic Christian Community in El Salvador, 1970-1980. Orbis, 1986. In the same spirit.

Renny Golden. The Hour of the Poor, The Hour of Women: Salvadoran Women Speak. New York: Crossroad, 1992. Women and the church of the poor in El Salvador.

Renny Golden, The Hour of the Furnaces (Minneapolis: Mid-List Press, forthcoming January 2000). A social history/poetry tribute to martyrs and peasants during the war years in El Salvador. (Mid-List toll free number: 1-888-543-1138.)

Pamela Hussey. Free from Fear: Women in El Salvador’s Church. London: CIIR, 1989.

Ricardo Falla. The Story of a Great Love. Washington: EPICA, 1998. A Jesuit priest tells of his life among the communities in resistence during the war in Guatemala.

Susan Classen. Vultures and Butterflies: Living the Contradictions. Scottdale, Pa./Waterloo, Ont.: Herald Press, 1992.

Daniel Santiago. The Harvest of Justice: The Church of El Salvador Ten Years After Romero. New York: Paulist, 1993.

Phillip Berryman. The Religious Roots of Rebellion: Christians in Central American Revolutions. Orbis, 1984.

Phillip Berryman. Stubborn Hope: Religion, Politics and Revolution in Central America. Orbis, 1994.

J. Guadalupe Carney. To Be a Revolutionary. An Autobiography. (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984). Story of U.S. Jesuit missing in Honduras.

*Tommie Sue Montgomery.

*Mark Danner. The Massacre at El Mozote . 1994. Penetrating account of the war and the U.S. through the lens of the El Mozote massacre.

Thomas Sheehan. "Friendly Fascism: Business as Usual in America's Backyard," in Fascism's Return: Scandal, Revision, and Ideology Since 1980. Richard J. Golson, ed. (Lincoln, Nebraska, and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1998), pp. 260-300. Perhaps the most trenchant account available of U.S. complicity in state terror in El Salvador.

*William Leogrande. America’s Backyard. U.S. Foreign Policy in Central America, 1970-1990. Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. War Against the Poor: Low-Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith. Orbis, 1989.

Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. School of Assassins: The Case for Closing the School of the Americas and for Fundamentally Changing U.S. Foreign Policy. Orbis, 1997.

Film and video. School of Assassins, narrated by Susan Sarandon, 1995 Academy Award Nominee. Available from Maryknoll World Productions. *"Massacre at El Mozote." 60 Minutes documentary, ca. 1993.


Archbishop Oscar Romero


Oscar A. Romero. The Voice of the Voiceless: The Four Pastoral Letters and Other Statements, Introductions, commentaries and selection of texts by R. Cardenal, I. Martín-Baró and J. Sobrino. Orbis, 1985. This is the best introduction to Romero’s homilies and writings in English.

Oscar A. Romero. Archbishop Oscar Romero: A Shepherd’s Diary. Cincinnati/Montreal; Our Sunday Visitor/Novalis, 1993.

James R. Brockman. Romero: A Life. Orbis, 1989. The most complete biography to date.

Jon Sobrino. Archbishop Romero: Memories and Reflections. Orbis, 1990. Oscar Arnulfo Romero. The Church is All of You: Thoughts of Archbishop Oscar Romero. Compiled and trans. by James R. Brockman, S.J. Minneapolis, Minn.: Winston Press, 1984.

Oscar Romero. The Violence of Love. Compiled and trans. by James R. Brockman, S.J. San Francisco and Toronto: Harper & Row and Whiteside, 1988; reprinted Farmington, Penn.: Plough Publ., 1998.

*María López Vigil. Pieces for a Portrait. Forthcoming from EPICA in 2000. Stories about Romero from those who knew him.

Marie Dennis, Renny Golden and Scott Wright, The Spirituality of Oscar Romero (not the exact title). Orbis: forthcoming, spring 2000.


*Romero. Starring Raul Julia. Vidmark Entertainment video. 105 minutes.


Ita, Maura, Dorothy and Jean


Judith M. Noone, M.M. The Same Fate as the Poor. 2d edn. Orbis, 1994. The Story of Maryknoll sisters Ita Ford, Maura Clarke and Carla Priette

Ana Carrigan. Salvador Witness: The Life and Calling of Jean Donovan. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.

Dorothy Chapon Kazel, Alleluia Woman: Sister Dorothy Kazel, O.S.U. Biographical essay by Dorothy Kazel’s niece.

Phyllis Zagano. Ita Ford: Missionary Martyr. New York: Paulist, 1996. Brief biography of Ita Ford.

Film. Roses in December. The story of Jean Donovan by Ana Carrigan and Bernard Stone. Available from Maryknoll World Productions. Tel. 1-800-227-8523.


Sobrino and Ellacuría


Jon Sobrino. A Spirituality of Liberation: Toward Political Holiness. Orbis, 1988.

Jon Sobrino. Jesus Christ the Liberator. A Historical-Theological Reading of Jesus of Nazareth. Orbis, 1993.

*Jon Sobrino. The Principle of Mercy. Taking the Crucified People from the Cross. Orbis, 1994.

Jon Sobrino and Ignacio Ellacuría, eds. Systematic Theology: Perspectives from Liberation Theology. Orbis, 1996.


NOTE: Several works are available from Orbis at Maryknoll, New York. These can be acquired via e-mail: <> or <> or <>.

Similarly, EPICA can be contacted via e-mail at: <>.


In addition:

Each year the Latin American/North American Church Concerns program of the Kellogg Institute at Notre Dame sponsors a talk in memory of Archbishop Romero. The following are all available free on request from Robert Pelton, C.S.C. at <>. (Notice all the dots.)


César Jerez, S.J., "Prophetic Possibilities for the Church in Central America," 1987.

Archbp. Luciano Mendes De Almeida, "Martyrs, Heroes and the Contemporary Church: Latin America and the United States," 1988.

Dr. Frances O’Gorman, "Martyrdom and Beyond: A Journey in Memory of Archbishop Romero," 1989.

Joseph Nangle, O.F.M., "Archbishop Romero’s Challenge to U.S. Universities," 1990.

Terry Lynn Karl, "Death and Rebirth in El Salvador," 1991.

Edward T. Brett, "The Pastoral Role of the Catholic Church in Latin America: The 16th Century and the 20th Century," 1992.

Margaret E. Crahan, "Truth-Telling and Human Rights Accountability: The Case of El Salvador in Comparative Perspective," 1993.

Robert McAfee Brown, "Archbishop Romero: A First-Hand Account," 1994. Rubén Zamora, "The Empowering Spirit of Archbishop Romero: Apersonal Testimony," 1995.

Dean Brackley, S.J., "Rutilio and Romero: Martyrs for Our Time," 1997.

Anna L. Peterson, "Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador: During the Civil War and Today," 1998.

Margaret Swedish, "Archbishop Romero and His Commitment to the Church," 1999.




Luis Calero, S.J. "A Christian University at the Service of the Poor," in Robert S. Pelton, C.S.C. From Power to Communion: Toward a New War of Being Church Based on the Latin American Experience. (Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994), pp. 37-62.

Ron Hansen. "Hearing the Cry of the Poor: Jesuit Priests, El Salvador, 1989," Susan Bergman, ed., Martyrs: Contemporary Writers on Modern Lives of Faith" Orbis, 1998, pp. 33-55.

Dean Brackley, "Remembering the UCA Martyrs: Ten Years Later," Conversations, Fall 1999.



"Killing Priests is Good News," BBC, 1990. (J. Sobrino, W. Ford, D. Brackley).


El Salvador and Central America: General Background, etc.

[The reference to the autobiography of J.Guadalupe Carney should specify further: "San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984"]

Anna L. Peterson. Martyrdom and the Politics of Religion: Progreessive Catholicism in El Salvador’s Civil War. Binghampton: SUNY Press, 1997.

Thomas Sheehan. "Friendly Fascism: Business as Usual in America's Backyard," in Fascism's Return: Scandal, Revision, and Ideology Since 1980. Richard J. Golson, ed. (Lincoln, Nebraska, and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1998), pp. 260-300. Perhaps the most trenchant account available of U.S. complicity in state terror in El Salvador.

Renny Golden, The Hour of the Furnaces (Minneapolis: Mid-List Press, forthcoming January 2000). a social history/poetry tribute to martyrs and peasants during the war years in El Salvador. (Mid-List toll free number: 1-888-543-1138.)


Romero MarieDennis, Renny Golden and Scott Wright, The Spirituality of Oscar Romero (not the exact title). Orbis: forthcoming, spring 2000.


In addition: Each year the Latin American/North American Church Concerns program of the Kellogg Institute at Notre Dame sponsors a talk in memory of Archbishop Romero. The following are all available free on request from Robert Pelton, C.S.C. at <>. (Notice all the dots.)

César Jerez, S.J., "Prophetic Possibilities for the Church in Central America," 1987.

Archbp. Luciano Mendes De Almeida, "Martyrs, Heroes and the Contemporary Church: Latin America and the United States," 1988.

Dr. Frances O’Gorman, "Martyrdom and Beyond: A Journey in Memory of Archbishop Romero," 1989.

Joseph Nangle, O.F.M., "Archbishop Rmoero’s Challenge to U.S. Universities," 1990.

Terry Lynn Karl, "Death and Rebirth in El Salvador," 1991.

Edward T. Brett, "The Pastoral Role of the Catholic Church in Latin America: The 16th Century and the 20th Century," 1992.

Margaret E. Crahan, "Truth-Telling and Human Rights Accountability: The Case of El Salvador in Comparative Perspective," 1993.

Robert McAfee Brown, "Archbishop Romero: A First-Hand Account," 1994. Rubén Zamora, "The Empowering Spirit of Archbishop Romero: Apersonal Testimony," 1995.

Dean Brackley, S.J., "Rutilio and Romero: Martyrs for Our Time," 1997.

Anna L. Peterson, "Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador: During the Civil War and Today," 1998.

Margaret Swedish, "Archbishop Romero and His Commitment to the Church," 1999.