The Collaborative Ministry Office
Faculty and Staff
Essay Contest
"How is Creighton a Jesuit Catholic University?"
Why an Essay Contest? 

Each fall we offer an orientation for new faculty.  Twice a month we orient new staff.  At each session, we try to describe the Jesuit Catholic character of Creighton University.  We say that we don't have to be Jesuit or Catholic to contribute to the Jesuit Catholic character of the university, because it is a vision we can all share.

We decided to invite the whole faculty and staff to help us articulate what makes Creighton a Jesuit Catholic University.  We will publish the best essays we receive on our web site.  We can refer new faculty and staff to our site to read about our shared vision, in our own words.

How do I enter?

Write an essay, in 400 words or less, on this topic:
"How is Creighton a Jesuit Catholic University?"
Submit your essay to the Collaborative Ministry Office by noon on Friday, December 1, 2000.

Contest Rules?

1.  All full and part-time employees of Creighton University are eligible to win.

2.  Essays must be submitted in electronic format, either in Word or Wordperfect, on diskette ( to Admin. 110) or by e-mail attachment (to and must include the writer's name and campus address, phone number and e-mail address.

3.  Entries must be received by noon on December 1, 2000.

4.  By submitting an essay, the writer agrees to have his or her essay, in whole or in part, published on a Collaborative Ministry Office web site, with attribution to the writer.

5.  Essays will be judged by Andy Alexander, S.J., Maureen Waldron of the Collaborative Ministry Office, and Tom Shanahan, S.J., Rector of the Jesuit Community, based upon their suitability in helping new members of the Creighton community understand our Jesuit Catholic identity.

6.  The winning essay will be announced by December 8th, 2000.

7.  The writer of the winning essay will receive a new Palm Vx hand held organizer.

Win a Palm Vx!
A New Palm Vx goes to the
the writer of the winning essay.
Palm Vx Organizer
Click on image to see close-up.

Now read the 
Daily Reflections
on your Palm.
Our Online Ministries web site
now offers hand held device owners
the option of downloading two weeks
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Memo Pad
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Rechargeable battery
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It's a great
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Read more about
the Palm Vx.

This contest is co-sponsored by
The Collaborative Ministry Office
and the
Jesuit Community at Creighton U.