Online Retreat Feedback
Your response to the retreat and your feedback for the future.

We are eager to hear how helpful the retreat was for you.

Your comments are made anonymously, unless you choose to include the optional information below.
Without the optional information, y
our comments will be sent without any way for us to trace your e-mail address or server.

Please include any response you can to the questions below.  This will be a tremendous help to us.
(You may use the "return" key at the end of each line in the box.  Please add a "return" at the end of your comments.)

  • We would love to know how extensively you used the retreat materials.  Did you use it for prayer each week?  How helpful were the weekly resources? 

  • How successful were you in using the background times of your day for these reflections, as suggested in the guides and helps?  How will this help you in finding intimacy with God in your everyday life after this retreat?
    • How has this retreat made a difference in your life?  What were the graces?
    • How frequently did you use the Daily Reflections along with the retreat?
    • Please tell us any way you made the retreat with a group or shared it with others.
    • Was it helpful to have an audio download with mp3s?

    Any Other Feedback:

    Please add any additional suggestions or feedback you have on your retreat experience:
    ANY of the following responses are OPTIONAL.  We would love to know more about you, but would appreciate your feedback even without this additional information.  None of this information will ever be shared with any organization, for any reason.
    Your Name
    Your relationship
    with Creighton U.
    if any.

    Thank you very much!
    Let's all continue to pray for
    those who will be making the retreat
    for many weeks to come.

    This form data will be sent to
    The Collaborative Ministry Office
    To send regular e-mail responses
    just click on this e-mail link:
    Andy Alexander, S.J. -