"We ask in his name to be drawn to him."
God our Father,
your Son accepted the mission you gave him
and fulfilled it to the end.
It has cost him everything he had and was,
but it also gave him everything:
the lasting glory of the resurrection 
and the gift of life for all of us.
We thank you 
for the supreme revelation
of your love in his death.
We ask you in his name
to be drawn to him
and to be pulled out of our selfishness.
Give us faith in the fruitfulness of his way of life.
Teach us to live love
not as an easy word
but as a genuine, costly deed.
Thus may his mission
come to fulfillment in each of us,
today and every day, for ever and ever.  Amen.

van Breemen, S.J., Peter G. Certain as the Dawn 
(Denville, NJ: Dimension Books, Inc., 1980) p106-107.