Praise the Lord,
the God of Israel!
He has come
to save his people.
Our God has given us
a mighty Savior
from the family
of David his servant.
Long ago the Lord promised
by the words
of his holy prophets
to save us from our enemies
and from everyone
who hates us.
God said he would be kind
to our people and keep
his sacred promise.
He told our ancestor Abraham
that he would rescue us
from our enemies.
Then we could serve him
without fear,
by being holy and good
as long as we live.
You, my son, will be called
a prophet of God
in heaven above.
You will go ahead of the Lord
to get everything ready
for him.
You will tell his people
that they can be
when their sins
are forgiven.
God's love and kindness
will shine upon us
like the sun that rises
in the sky.
On us who live
in the dark shadow
of death
this light will shine
to guide us
into a life of peace.
Luke 1:67-79
Contemporary English Version The
Holy Bible (New York , NY: American Bible Society 1995)