Redeemer desired to be baptized in the Jordan by
John; let us make this prayer to him:
Christ, you made your light shine on us
by revealing yourself,
grant us the spirit of humble service to all people.
Christ, you humbled yourself and received baptism
your servant to show us the way of humility,
grant us the spirit of humble service to our fellow men.
Christ, through your baptism you cleansed us of every
blemish and made us children of your Father,
bestow your spirit of adoption on all who seek you.
Christ, through baptism you have consecrated creation
and opened the door of repentance to all who prepare
for baptism,
make us servants of your Gospel in the world.
Christ, through your baptism you revealed to us the Holy Trinity when
the Father called you his beloved Son
and the Holy Spirit came down upon you,
renew the spirit of adoption among the royal
priesthood of the baptized.
Our Father . . .
Intercessions, Morning Prayer, Baptism of the Lord |