We Long for New Life

source of all life,
in giving life to the living 
you seek out the image of your glory
and in raising the dead
you reveal your unbounded power.

Rescue me from the tyranny of death,
for I long for new life in the renewal of baptism.

Free me from the slavery of Satan,
the source of sin and death,
who seeks to corrupt the world you created
and saw to be good.

Place me under the reign of your blessed Son,
they I may share in the power of his resurrection
and give witness to your glory before all.

Lord Jesus Christ,
you commanded Lazarus 
to step forth alive from the tomb
and by your own resurrection
freed all people from death.

I pray, as your servant,
who eagerly approaches the waters of new birth
and hungers for the banquet of life.

Do not let the power of death hold me back,
for, by faith,
I know I share in the triumph of your resurrection,
for you live and reign for ever and ever.


Adapted to the first person from the
Third Scrutiny - The Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults