Wash Me With Your Precious Blood

    See, O merciful God, what return
    I, your thankless servant, have made
    for the innumerable favors
    and the wonderful love you have shown me!
    What wrongs I have done, what good left undone!
    Wash away, I beg you, these faults and stains
    with your precious blood, most kind Redeemer,
    and make up for my poverty by applying your merits.
    Give me the protection I need to amend my life.
    I give and surrender myself wholly to you,
    and offer you all I possess,
    with the prayer that you bestow your grace on me,
    so that I may be able to devote and employ
    all the thinking power of my mind
    and the strength of my body in your holy service,
    who are God blessed for ever and ever.  Amen.

                                                    St. Peter Canisius, S.J.

Edited by Michael Harter SJ Hearts on Fire (St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1993) p.24