Prayer of Thanksgiving 

    Almighty and merciful God,
    how wonderfully you created man
    and still more wonderfully remade him.
    You do not abandon the sinner
    but seek him out with a father's love.
    You sent your Son into the world
    to destroy sin and death
    by his passion,
    and to restore life and joy
    by his resurrection.
    You sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts
    to make us your children
    and heirs of your kingdom.
    You constantly renew our spirit
    in the sacrament of your redeeming love,
    freeing us from slavery to sin
    and transforming us ever more closely
    into the likeness of your beloved Son.
    We thank you for the wonders of your mercy,
    and with heart and hand and voice
    we join with the whole Church
    in a new song of praise:
    Glory to you
    through Christ
    in the Holy Spirit,
    now and for ever.


       Prayer of the Penitent, The Rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
      (New York , NY: Catholic Book Publishing Co. 1975) p.67