How to use this site to make an Online Retreat

Frequently Asked Questions.
How is it possible 
to make an 

online retreat?
A Retreat is a RETREAT FROM our ordinary patterns and a RETREAT TO a "place" where we can be more receptive to the graces God wants to offer us.  This online retreat affords us the opportunity to check this site each week and receive some guidance for our retreat from and to.  Some of us have access to the web both at work and at home.  We can print the weekly pages and review them each week.   The retreat is also available in Audio and Book forms. And because it will be "one week at a time" all we need to do is take advantage of the weekly Guide, with its options and exercises. 
What kind of patterns  
or exercises 

will I be adopting?
To use this retreat MOST effectively, we'll use 3 exercises: 
    to read the weekly Guide page EACH WEEK; 
    to let the material, especially the graces prayed for, rest in the background of my daily life. 
    to use the other resources for that week, as time permits; 
    to share the graces with a director or others making the retreat (optional)
Is this like making 
the Spiritual 

Exercises ?
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius are meant to be an individually directed retreat, over the course of 30 days away from ordinary life, or for a longer time in the midst of daily life.   The movements and exercises of Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises will inspire and shape this online retreat, making it possible for us to grow in our relationship with God and in spiritual freedom. 
What if I haven't 
made a retreat before?
Not a problem.   This kind of retreat is very USER FRIENDLY.  The most important thing to remember is that God doesn't need much openness on our part to richly bless us.   This retreat offers suggestions for prayer throughout the week, for locating what it is we desire from God, and some ways to let ourselves be open to receiving those graces.   And, BEST OF ALL, we'll be doing this in the midst of our busy everyday lives - in fact, this retreat will help our daily lives to have more meaning. 
I'm nervous about 
finding time for 

"prayer" each day.
It's easier than we might imagine.  Look on this retreat as something we are going to GIVE OURSELVES.   And EXPECT IT to be a wonderful experience.  We usually end up doing stuff we LIKE to do.   We'll like doing this. 

It will only take 10 - 20 minutes to read the material for the week - about the same time to listen to it in audio form. The rest of "making the retreat" is to let the material stay in the background of my everyday life and to interact with what I'm doing. It will take practice, but it will become a habit easily.

Remember, the weekly retreat Guide page and the Getting Started page will offer suggestions and helps for how to do it. 

What about the 
"option" of talking 

with a director 

or being in a group?
Each of us making this online retreat will be REVIEWING the week, to try to pull the week together.   Some of the real FRUIT of the retreat will come as we notice PATTERNS and start putting pieces together into a whole.  Jotting these insights, experiences and graces down will be very helpful. 

Sharing these movements in our weekly journey with a spiritual director we already have, or with one we ask to accompany us on this retreat, is a wonderful way to hold ourselves accountable to pulling the graces together.   A wise director could be an invaluable help in sorting our experiences out along the way, as well as in offering helpful guidance.  

Another great way to enhance the experience of this online retreat is to meet once or twice a month with a small group of others making the retreat.   This one hour session simply lets each person in the group summarize their retreat experience or their gratitude for some grace.   Check out our page on how to do the retreat with a group.

What can we 
look forward to 

happening in us 

because of this 

online retreat?
More than we can ask or imagine!  God is never outdone in generosity.   One thing is certain:  we will grow in our relationship with God.  Several other graces are very possible:  we will grow in an inner peace that comes from a deeper sense of God's love for us; we will grow in a freedom from some of the stuff that keeps us from being very loving or courageous in the face of difficulties; and we can hope that we will be more committed to being of service to others.

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making this retreat
on your own.
Helps for
a group
making this retreat.