A Photo Journal
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Wednesday, May 24th

We began by again remembering those
whose lives make it possible for us
to imagine how we could make a difference.
Donna Markham prepared us for the
challenges of transformative change
and the imperative towards community.
We shared our commitments
to make this dream a reality.
From our university group meetings
where we shared how we would bring
this all back,
we were gathered by the Spirit
to give thanks and praise.
Ed Kinerk, S.J. shared the Word
of hope and promise.
We added all our names
to the mural, which is
adding leaves each day.
We enjoyed a reception
in the Jesuit Gardens.
Continuing to make connections
and to enjoy sharing experiences
of our university group meetings.
The spirit in the room at dinner
was tangibly delightful.
Mary Maxwell topped it all off
with side splitting laughter.