they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord,
they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth.
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor
of God was upon him. - Luke 2
of the great opportunities we have these days is to savor the Christmas
season. Christmas is not a single day; it's a season. It is a two (sometimes three) week
period in which to enter more deeply into the mystery of the One who
came to become one of us - to save us from our sins.
So often Christmas day seems to come and go very
quickly, and with it, the spirit of the Christmas season can be lost
in the process of cleaning up, finishing left-overs, traveling or returning
gifts. There is a religious value to these days after Christmas which
we can give ourselves to with simply a little focus. Having prayed that
our Lord might come to us, we can let the reality of his coming enter
more deeply into our daily experience. We do that by savoring the story
and letting his being one with us become a more conscious reality as
these stories intersect with our daily lives. For example, in the rush
of Christmas, and I can ask myself if I took time to imagine myself
there in the stable, and take it all in, as a personal witness. Did
I really listen to what Mary and Joseph said to each other? Did I let
myself be moved by how open the shepherds were to this mystery and how
transformed they were by it? Did I ask Mary if I could hold her child?
What happened within me as I beheld my Savior so small, so vulnerable,
with such tiny fingernails and with such a breath that would one day
expire on the cross, but would be raised to breathe the Holy Spirit
into his followers and into us all?
can take each of the gospel stories and let ourselves become a part
of the story or let the story become a part of our lives. The Epiphany
is part of the powerful story according to St. Matthew. While Luke's
account reminds us of the poverty of his coming and his union with the
lowly of the earth, in Matthew we can almost hear the drum beats of
danger. Herod is out to kill the child. In spite of the cleverness of
the Magi to return another way, many innocents are slaughtered.
The Holy Family flees to Egypt and Jesus enters
the mystery of his people's slavery and liberation. Every one of us
who has every been "trapped" in any way can identify with
this story. And, we can let this story enter our lives. Jesus became
one with us in all the ways we are not safe or free from fear. Jesus
came so that none of us should ever feel alone in whatever has happened
to us, however secret, however damaging. This is where we can taste
the power of the freedom Jesus brings us in his surrendering to his
own mission from his Father.
the Feast of the Holy Family will be a time to reach deeper into our
desires and to ask for graces for our family. This might be a wonderful
time for us to contemplate the hidden life of Jesus. Apart from the
glimpse we get of the 12 year old Jesus being left behind in Jerusalem,
the scriptures are silent about the thirty years of Jesus' life as an
ordinary part of the Nazareth community. Again, with the contemplative
power of imagination, we can walk the dusty streets of this small town
where Jesus grew up. We can watch the toddler Jesus at home, listening
to his mother and foster father singing the psalms at night. We can
picture the little boy Jesus playing with his friends. What a joy it
can be to imagine the young Jesus learning the carpenter trade from
Joseph, even picturing them delivering the chairs and tables, doors
and wagons they made together. The young man Jesus must have been a
stunning personality, yet later people would be surprised at his charisma,
saying "Isn't this the carpenter's son?" These many years
he lived in a fairly ordinary, hidden way, place him in solidarity with
our ordinary day to day lives. He knew work, he knew service, he had
friends and he loved family. We suppose that Joseph died during those
years. Jesus knew the grief of the loss of one who had held him and
nurtured him and became an earthly father to him. Reflections like these,
no matter how they occur in our week, will allow Jesus to come very
close to us these days.
Christmas Season culminates in the celebration of the Baptism of the
Lord. It is very consoling to contemplatively imagine the discernment
process Jesus went through to decide to leave home and to move down
toward the River Jordan where he must have heard that his cousin John
was baptizing. Of course, Mary let him go and, of course, she blesses
him for his mission. What a precious scene to enjoy! And, there at the
Jordan, Jesus and John meet again. If John leapt in his mother Elizabeth's
womb, how much more now did his heart soar as Jesus came to assume his
role as the one who would free us from our sins. But, first, there had
to be this part of the Incarnation and this epiphany. Here Jesus becomes
one of us in a new way. Paul says, "For our sake he made him to
be sin who did not know sin, so that we might become the righteousness
of God in him." (2 Cor. 5:21) And, there is the great manifestation
of God, witnessing to Jesus: My beloved Son; listen to him. We can conclude
this wonderful Christmas Season asking for the grace to be one with
Jesus whose mission from the Father he invites us to share. |