Daily Reflection
October 27th, 2004
Ray Bucko, S.J.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

When I was a little boy I loved revolving doors – there was something magical about them.  There were none in my home town but lots in New York City.  I was strong enough to push them along so that I could move through.  They were shiny brass.  Most of all, they were fun!  My mother tells the story of how we were in New York City shopping and I had disappeared.  I was a little guy so they really had to look high and low for me, but mostly low.  There was no luck finding me until my mother noticed that the revolving door was going around and around with no one in it – till she looked down and saw me having a grand old time in there.  She took me out and gave yet another ineffective lecture to me about not wandering off. 

There are two themes here, entering and recognition.  Paul tells us to recognize who we are: son, daughter, mother, father, worker, administrator and to act accordingly.  Without action no one can recognize us.  Think of how when you have not seen someone in years you will not recognize them by how they look but by how they act: a laugh, walk, smile, joke, or vocal sound.  My mother’s first clue to my whereabouts was her recognition of how I played.  She did not have to see me to guess that the door revolving seemingly endlessly could be fueled by a little boy. 

The readings tell us that we need to act well to be recognized but also to make our own entrance.  Knock and it will be opened – when we are recognized.  But remember too that our God also looks for us and finds us – even when we get stuck in revolving doors Jesus who is both Good Shepherd and Attentive Mother. 

While these readings may seem threat (few enter) and reprimand (you’ll be thrown into the darkness) they are also invitation to ALL – North, South, East, and West and encouragement to act well that we might be recognized and welcomed into the kingdom. 

Well, I guess I did not act particularly well running from my mother to spin in the revolving door – but revolving doors are wonderful things—they keep going around till we find the right WAY. 

Let us push and enter through the right door and embark on the right path – and, if the door is narrow and revolving, let us keep pushing and squeezing until the path is completely right and the door is open wide enough that we may enter.  Let us never lose heart!

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