Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
February 9th, 2009

Pat Borchers

Academic Affairs
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Today's readings contain two descriptions of God's miraculous intervention in our world.  The Genesis story of Creation is one of the best known and most discussed in the Bible.  Its exact meaning sometimes divides those in the Judeo-Christian tradition with some understanding it to mean that God acted in precisely the order set forth in the story and with the actions taking place in course of what we humans would think of as "days."  Others take it more metaphorically as a beautiful reminder of God's role in all things human and earthly.  But no matter how one understands the story, it is a majestic one and a reminder of God's dominion over the universe.
Now let's contrast this with the people that Jesus encountered on his travels who "scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats" to see him.  In a sense they seem very far removed from the majesty and perfection of the Genesis story.  But then again, maybe not.  This after all is the central mystery of Christianity:  why did God choose to take on a human form?  It is the same love of us that begat Creation.

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