Jesus’ words of consolation and warning are powerful. In today’s world we meet so many who are poor: no more jobs or underemployed, on social security and barely eking out an existence; Of course we could blame: “the rich, those with full tummies, etc. Blaming does not help anyone. St. Peter Claver, S.J., whose saint day is today, was a Jesuit sent to Colombia in the late 16th century. He spent his time on the wharf, welcoming the ships and caring for the slaves being brought to South America. Can you imagine what the holds of those ships were like…and what condition many of the slave men, women and children were in? He found ways to “feed the hungry, find shelter for some, tend their wounds and bury their dead.” One of his verses is: His life surely praised God. His wealth was in service to others. How do you find God inviting you to serve others today? |