That’s an important lesson for me. I need to keep taking the steps of my journey, even when I am not feeling particularly close to God. Remembering to do the little things, such as a quick prayer when I wake up; and a thank-you to God when grace helps me say the right thing in a difficult conversation; the time to center myself and reflect on the small blessings that I encounter everyday. The deeds of the disciples and the small things that we each can do are brought together today as it is the feast of Saint Thérèse, virgin and doctor of the church. She’s also known as the Little Flower. Though she lived in a cloister and died very young, she sought to find holiness in everyday life and everyday actions because she realized that she was probably not going to perform great deeds for God. We have to listen for our own call and find holiness in life. For some that call will be for the road, and for some, the journey will take place closer to home. We have to be open and ready for the trip. |