The traditional prayer to the Holy Spirit can be a wonderful source of reflection.
Come, Holy SpiritThe first movement of this prayer is to ask for the Holy Spirit to come to us. A lot goes into preparing our hearts to ask for the Holy Spirit to come, not the least of which is to acknowlege that there is a Holy Spirt and that we feel something missing without the presence of the Spirit in our lives. This is the Spirit Jesus promised to send us so that we would not feel orphaned. This is the Spirit that transformed the first disciples from people afraid and locked in to the upper room. Fill the hearts of your faithfulThis is a request for a heart filled with the Spirit. This isn't asking, "Give me a little bit of your Spirit." This is a bold request. We are asking that we might be filled - and therefore, transformed by the Spirit. No hesitation, no doubt, no fear, no judgment, now wrangling, no selfishness can remain. Fill us. Fill me. Enkindle in them the fire of your loveOur prayer gets even more specific. We desire the love which only the Spirit can bring. We know it is a fire, and we ask for it. It is a purifying fire. It burns away all that is in the way. And, it warms whatever is cold. This fire brings a new vitality and courage. And, fire can be shared with others, without being diminished. Set our hearts on fire. Set my heart on fire. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be createdPaul tells us, " So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. [ 2 Corinthians 5:17] We are asking the Spirit to make us a new creation. This is more than a new beginning or a fresh start. We are asking for a transforming renewal. Our lives can be new with the Spirit filling our hearts. Give us/me your Spirit and make us/me new. And you shall renew the face of the earthWhen we are on fire and renewed by the Spirit, we can become one with that Spirit's activity of renewing the whole world. We can be the fire that ignites other fires. We can work to bring reconciliation, healing, true justice and renewal for all the people on the face of the earth. Let me be part of your Spirit's fire for all God's creation. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
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