Sharing Our Faith This Year This year we will offer the opportunity for people to share with each other various aspects of our faith journey. These might be wonderful experiences of blessed moments when I felt healing and grace, or times when I experienced the grace of Jesus' love presence in the midst of struggle. We might share struggles we've had which resulted in a stronger relationship. We might share how our faith has grown in community, in our parishes, in our families. Some may want to share stories of outstanding witnesses of faith who have helped us in our lives. Sharing faith is not boasting. It is a humble recognition that I didn't earn this relationship with God, or God's mercy, or God's faithful support. It is all a gift. As we share, we can remember Jesus' call to us to not hide our light under a bushel basket, but to "Let your light shine!" Our Faith Sharing page will be one we might all want to Bookmark as a Favorite and return to often to read stories of faith all year long. Click on the Link below and you will be able to write and send your sharing to us. We will post the sharings throughout the week, so that everyone can read the flow of sharing. We will post your sharing AS ANONYMOUS, unless you tell us that we may use your name, e.g., explicitly say, "you may use my name.” It might be helpful if you would include the State or Country where you live, but that is optional. We reserve the right to edit the sharing submissions for length and content. Share
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