Year of Faith Resources

All year long, we will update this page with resources to help us journey through the Year of Faith.


The Vatican's Year of Faith Home Page

PORTA FIDEI - An apostolic Letter from Pope Benedict VI announcing Year of Faith

Study Guide for “Door of Faith”
A group discussion guide with key points from Porta Fidei – The “Door of Faith”

Note with Pastoral Recommendations for the Year of Faith


A Family Year of Faith Prayer from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
“...May we grow in our relationship with Jesus, your Son, and be confident witnesses to Christian hope and joy....”

The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith -
The agenda for the Synod of Bishop for the Year of Faith

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Year of Faith Site

Disciples Called to Witness - U.S. Catholic Bishops' document on the New Evangelization

Year of Faith Resources: A collaboration of the Loyola Institute for Ministry, Catholic News Service and
Catholic Press Association.

Year of Faith Home Page | Creighton's Online Ministries Home Page