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One Prayer a Day for Advent

The Fourth Week of Advent -
In 2012 use only Monday & Tuesday in 4th week

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Praying Advent Home

The Fourth Week of Advent
Sunday, December 23

Oh, Emmanuel,
You have touched me;
you are God-with-Me.

Thank you for these weeks of prayer.
In the spirit of the season
my waiting, my patience,
feels sacred.

Refine and purify my heart
with the hottest flame of your love.
Give me the courage of your prophets
and let me do what is right
even when others don't understand.

Bless my heart with generosity
and make me ready to receive you.

Come, Lord Jesus!  Come!

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel!

The Fourth Week of Advent
Monday, December 24

Oh, God-With-Us,
For so long you have promised
forgiveness, peace, salvation.
Now in my heart, I am filled with joy
because of your coming.

Thank you for your promises
and for the way I can trust in you.
I feel a new freedom in my life
and a courage I have not known before.

I know you came to save me and bring new life
and I am so grateful to you.
Let me show my thankfulness
with my life.
You have brought me through the darkness
and into the light of your saving grace.

Guide my feet on the way of peace.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel!



The Fourth Week of Advent


The Fourth Week of Advent


The Fourth Week of Advent


The Fourth Week of Advent



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