Two Advent Talks by Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J.
AN AMAZON CHRISTMASFr. Larry Gillick, S.J. offers two reflections on praying within Advent.
These were presented on December 1st, at Lumin Christi Parish in St. Paul, Minneasota.
The day was sponsored by the Ignatian Associates of the Twin Cities.
Both presentations are about praying with the gift of longing and God’s invitations to be present to those searchings, longings and our being accompanied and found.
Fr. Gillick uses the Amazon business as a convenient backdrop for what that delivery service cannot deliver for Christmas and is in no way a criticism of that name or company. Each presentation last thirty minutes and is meant to assist us in praying with the experiences of waiting and watching during Advent and the other days of our lives.
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