A Plan for Reading “They Come Back Singing” during Lent

The Week of Ash Wednesday:

Author’s Note ........................................................................ xiii

Introduction............................................................................. xvii

Reflection Questions:

What is going on in me, as I enter this story?
What am I feeling? Noticing? Afraid of? Touched by?


Part 1: Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement

Journal: August 2000 .............................................................. 3

Killer Lightning ....................................................................... 8

New Life, New Hope ............................................................. 11

Letter from Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement ........................... 14

Reflection Question:

What images remain with me? To whom am I drawn?
To whom am I attracted? Whom do I admire?

What is God saying to me, through these people?

What graces do I ask for as I move into Lent with this story?


Letter from Kampala .............................................................. 18

And in God There Is No Darkness at All ................................. 21

Journal: June 2001 .................................................................. 26

A Mother’s Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness....................... 35

A Paratrooper in a Diaper ....................................................... 39

Letter from Arua ..................................................................... 43

Reflection Questions:
What am I learning from Fr. Smith's struggle?

What am I seeing in, being given by, the suffering
in the lives of these people?

What is God saying to me?

What graces am I asking for in this Lenten journey?


Cause of Death: Life ............................................................... 47

Letter from Mwanza, Tanzania ................................................ 50

Journal: September 2002 ........................................................ 54

Letter from Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement ........................... 59

Everything .............................................................................. 62

Part 2: Adjumani Refugee Settlement

Letter from Adjumani Refugee Settlement................................. 67

Standing Naked before an Angel ............................................. 70

Journal: December 2003 ......................................................... 76

Reflection Questions:

What am I experiencing about the faith, the community celebrations, the symbols I am experiencing?

What goes on in me as Fr. Smith moves from Rhino Camp to Adjumani? During his illness?

What stories touch me most deeply? Why? What is the message I am receiving in this Lenten journey?

What new graces are coming to the surface for me to ask for as I continue this journey?


A Noise in the Night ............................................................... 85

Yayo ...................................................................................... 90

The Beautiful Mouth of Jacelin Ojok ....................................... 94

Journal: June 2004 .................................................................. 104

Confirmation and Kalashnikovs ............................................... 115

Letter from Nimule, Sudan ...................................................... 123

Holding Job in My Arms ......................................................... 126

Kogwon Narju ....................................................................... 132

Reflection Questions:

What of the joy and "presence of the Lord" of Yayo do I feel drawn to, given by these stories?

Are there images, phrases that are staying with me?

Are there people who are staying in my heart?

What has moved me most deeply this week?

For what grace this week am I most grateful?

What more am I drawn to ask for?


African Gem ........................................................................... 138

Letter from Kampala............................................................... 144

God Does Not Forget His People ........................................... 147

A Love Story ......................................................................... 154

Hakim .................................................................................... 159

A Bridge to the Eternal ........................................................... 164

Holy Week and a Cloud of Witnesses ..................................... 171

Reflection Questions:

What am I learning about suffering? About God?

How is my faith being strengthened? My trust deepened?

What stories, people are speaking to me this week?

How is this journey changing my Lent this year?

What am I grateful for and what am I asking for?


A Long Night’s Journey into Day ............................................ 177

Say Yes Again and Forgive Forever ........................................ 181

Journal: June 2005 .................................................................. 189

The Tears of Rose Adoo ........................................................ 195

Journal: August 2006............................................................... 202

God’s Sweet Gift .................................................................... 210

Reflection Questions:

What am I experiencing about the mystery of love and forgiveness?

What have I learned about God's love and mercy?

What is changing in me? Deepening in me?
Being given to me?

What do I ask for as I move into Holy Week?


Those Damn Jesuits ................................................................ 216

Afterword .............................................................................. 223

Reflection Questions:

In this holy week of celebrating God's love for me,
how do I remember the people of these camps,
and what they gave me to help me celebrate this
Paschal Mystery "with mind and heart renewed?"

Where is the Spirit leading me to be with those most in need?

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