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Jesus Is Alive!

An Easter Blessing

Finding Hope in the Easter Season

Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Our Hope for Everlasting Life

Easter Joy in Everyday Life


Sixth Week of Easter

In this week of Easter we continue to let the joy of the Easter Season deepen in us. Perhaps we ask bigger questions.  Perhaps we let the good news of the gift of new life enter into those places where we struggle.

We are listening to the story of the early community's recognition of the presence of the Holy Spirit with gentiles.  And, we hear the rest of Jesus’ last words to his disciples at his last supper with them. In the fifteenth chapter of John's gospel we read some of the deepest things Jesus says directly to us. We can hear him now, with the faith of the resurrection and gift of the Holy Spirit.

This is a week when we can begin to long for and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Easter's blessings come alive when we let them deeper into the reality of our everyday lives and when it leads to a deeper desire for the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us and among us.


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