Death comes to all of us, later or sooner, and only in death do we fully become the people that we have spent our lives choosing to be. When we see the innocent massacred and their astounded families torn and destroyed in their bereavement, do we arrogantly deny God in our ignorance, rashly judge the One whose only name is Love? Or do we set our hands to supporting the grieving, to comforting the suffering?
Any god whom we can fully understand is not God but a shadow we choose to set up as an idol, one that we can control. The God whom we must worship and constantly seek anew is a God who must be eternal mystery as much as He is eternal self-revelation, always communicating Himself and yet never fully shared: were it otherwise He would not be God ... or we would be His intellectual equal and eternity would be a rousing bore.
God is always a new voyage of discovery, always a renewed coming home to Him, hidden in the center of our own hearts where we remain a mystery to ourselves that only He can resolve and heal. Our doubts and questions of today are not final, only the starting points for a renewed encounter with God's calling us forward into His life.
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