April 3, 2025
by Suzanne Braddock
Creighton University - retired
click here for photo and information about the writer

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Lectionary: 247

Exodus 32:7-14
Psalms 106: 19-20, 21-22, 23
John 5:31-47

Praying Lent

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Back in the distant 1950’s I recall watching a program( hosted by a very funny man from Nebraska, Johnny Carson), called "Who Do You Trust?” The quiz show pitted husband against wife, giving the husband the first choice of answering the question posed, or trusting his wife to know the answer and punting the question to her. Well, it was the 50’s. Maybe we’ve come a long way. So how does today’s Gospel fit in here?

The overarching theme seems to be who do you trust, Jesus or idols? In this rather detailed scripture, Jesus seems to be coming up with all the reasons his hearers don’t trust in him, but in things they can see and touch.  One Golden Calf in history. That "burning and shining lamp", John the Baptist (all well and good but John only pointed the way to Jesus whom they do not seem to believe). Even Moses.The praise of men. Even the Scriptures which can be searched to prove one’s own point, not necessarily the truth. All idols, all seemed more trustworthy than The Way, The Truth and The Life.

A few years ago I had the opportunity of visiting the monastery which housed the famous monk, Thomas Merton. Over the arch leading into the monastery and chapel were the words: “God Alone.” 

All this has me considering my idols. Anxiety over our country’s situation has me turning to news reports too often. Anxiety in general - I’m not in charge, why worry as if I must control events and outcomes? I'm sure we can all, with a little searching, find the ways we lack trust in Jesus. Each day gives me innumerable opportunities to renew my trust in Jesus. As the poet Rumi said long ago, “Try something different: surrender."

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