May 11, 2024
by Mary Lee Brock
Creighton University's Gradute School
click here for photo and information about the writer

Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter
Lectionary: 296  

Acts 18:23-28
Psalms 47:2-3, 8-9, 10
John 16:23b-28

Celebrating Easter Resources

Do Not Let your Hearts be Troubled

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

An Easter Blessing

Easter Joy in Everyday Life

Today on our Creighton University campus our undergraduate students are celebrating their graduation from college.  And throughout this week our graduate and professional students have been celebrating their accomplishments.  In the spirit of the Ignatian Examen, commencement is a wonderful time to look back at the positive and painful moments from the past years, to thank God for the gifts received and to look to the future with hope.

Today’s first reading from Acts encouraged me to look back over this Spring semester during which I taught students many lessons about effective conflict management including how to engage in a difficult conversation.  The first step in preparing for a difficult conversation is discerning whether to raise the issue.   When Priscilla and Aquila, a married couple, heard Apollos, a knowledgeable scholar, enthusiastically tell the incomplete story about Jesus, they knew he needed to hear details of the Jesus’ life so they made the decision to talk with him.  I suspect this conversation was grounded in respect and good intentions from Priscilla and Aquila. And undoubtedly, Apollos was open to feedback and was not insulted to learn he did not know the full story of Jesus.  A productive conversation engages facts, emotions and identity, and we see the results of this having happened with Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos.

The ability to engage in difficult conversations is foundational for any kind of collaboration.  Seeing the collaboration of Priscilla and Aquila inspires me to appreciate the good that can come when we make the time and effort to work together.  This reminds me of the many blessings our campus has received through our Collaborative Ministry Office.  The founders, Fr. Jack Zuercher, SJ and Joan Lanahan, were very much like Priscilla and Aquila in their willingness to have difficult conversations, to focus on the positive and to take bold steps.  Here is a passage from the Creighton website sharing history about how they fostered collaboration between the Jesuit Colleges and Universities and on our Creighton campus:

The Mission & Identity Conference of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities had it's inception at Creighton University, when two colleagues, Jack Zuercher, S.J. and Joan Lanahan first mulled over the idea of gathering colleagues from the other Jesuit universities to talk about our shared mission and identity.  Jack Zuercher, S.J. of Creighton University and Joan Lanahan, formed the Collaborative Ministry Office at Creighton University in 1988. From the beginning, they had a sense that all of us in this work would be better if we could share our ideas.

As I watch our hard-working students and colleagues celebrate the milestone of graduation, I ask for the grace to be open to God’s call to collaboration, especially when there are challenges.  I pray for courage to raise important issues in a respectful manner.  I celebrate when difficult conversations lead to learning, growth and compassion.  I am grateful for the many fruits collaborative ministry has yielded.

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