May 17, 2024
by Tamora Whitney
Creighton University's English Department 
click here for photo and information about the writer

Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter
Lectionary: 301 

Acts 25:13b-21
Psalms 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab
John 21:15-19

Celebrating Easter Resources

The Servant Girl at Emmaus

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Easter Joy in Everyday Life

We’re in the seventh week of Easter now, and this week we’re talking about love and forgiveness and service. Paul is in Israel claiming that Jesus is alive, and Peter is with Jesus who is proving he is alive by eating and talking and teaching.

Jesus asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Peter responds every time that he does love Jesus. He asserts that Jesus knows everything and therefore knows that Peter loves him. But remember, before the crucifixion, Peter denied Jesus three times. He said then, three times, that he did not even know the man. This triple questioning is obviously a reference to that triple denial. It’s also a chance for redemption and an example of forgiveness. Jesus knows that Peter loves him. Jesus knows that Peter loves him completely and totally. He knows that Peter has always loved him. That denial was not good, but really, he was scared, he didn’t know what to do or where to go. It was a very bad time. Jesus is giving Peter this opportunity to assert his love and attachment and the ability to be forgiven. Jesus asks if he loves him, if he loves him more than anything. Peter responds yes, he loves him, loves him more than anything, that Jesus knows absolutely that Peter loves him. And Jesus says, then prove it: feed my lambs, tend my sheep. Peter had denied him. But he really does love Jesus. The best way to show this is to do his work. The best way to make up for his indiscretion is to do Jesus’ work.

Jesus is there and alive in this passage, but he will ascend to heaven soon. If Peter really loves him, and he does, the best thing he can do is to tend his sheep. Jesus wants him to take care of people: Be a good shepherd, a good steward. Follow Jesus’ example and do the work. This is a good example for everyone to follow. If we love Jesus, the best way to show that is to take care of his people. Peter started it, and we can continue.  The best way to follow Jesus is to follow his example and to love others like he loves us.

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