May 29, 2024
by Cindy Costanzo
Creighton University's College of Nursing      
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Wednesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 349  

1 Peter 1:18-25
Psalms 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20
Mark 10:32-45

Praying Ordinary Time


Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

An Even Better Marriage

Praying the Rosary as Pope St. John Paul II Suggested

In today’s gospel Jesus provides a clear message to his Apostles on what will be happening to him but they struggle with understanding Jesus’s message. In fact, James and John in ways that are so characteristic of our human imperfection ask to have a place of honor at Jesus side; he tells them Mark 10: 40 …but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared”…with that the Apostles become indignant….but Jesus reminds them….Mark 10: 43….whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; Mark 10: 44 …whoever wishes to be first among you will be the servant of all; Mark 10: 45….for the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve…..

In Jesus’s message to his Apostles, he is loving, patient, kind and so understanding. He understands how our ego can get in the way of everything. Work-sports-family-service-religion-spirituality. I can see my ego in play everywhere.  Do I do enough?  Do I need to do more? What will my family/friend/co-workers think? What will my legacy be?  However, Jesus message remains simple....Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest….

Jesus repeats this message of service throughout the Gospels.

In the Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 20: 26-28
It shall not be so among you. But whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. 

In the Gospel of John 
John 13:15
After washing His disciples' feet — an act of love, humility, and service — He encourages us to follow His lead and serve one another. "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do. 

These Gospel readings provide an opportunity to reflect on the meanings of "faithful service". A devoted and helpful follower; to be humble before God; to be ready to act when God nudges or provides inspiration; to help meet the needs of others; to remember it is not about money or rewards or ego; to generously offer skills and strengths to those who need help without exception and without prejudices.  These meanings evoke many memories of kind and selfless acts of service I have observed for the past days, weeks and months. 

A young man after working all day goes to his fiancée's grandfathers' community and tills and plants a garden for those who live there so they can have fresh vegetables;
A mom who just found out her 6 week old fetus has no heartbeat and reaches out to family who send their love and support;
A 95 year old Father who lives independently calls his 69 year daughter 3 x a day to make sure she is ok while she is sick with bronchitis;
A friend organizes a meal train for a dear friend whose life partner of 30 plus years passed into eternity;
A aunt organizes a trip for her sister, niece and nephews. The first one in over 4 years. One they would never be able to afford;
A woman provides daily communion to a lifelong colleague in her transition from life to eternity;
A friend reaches out to a circle of 30 plus year work friends to share her grief of her husband’s diagnosis. They respond with love and kindness. 
Two sisters reach out to a distant brother to keep him close as he journeys through his stage 4 melanoma diagnosis.

Jesus serves and Christ followers serve with love and devotion everyday…our lives are all touched. Let's recognize these gifts; let us thank Jesus for the message that continues to light our hearts on fire. We are servants, we are to love one another, we are to be kind to one another, do this in the name of Jesus.  

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