Daily Reflection June 7, 2024 |
One just has to open a newspaper today or watch the daily news to see a plethora of examples where the world’s darkness reveals that the light of God’s love needs to be shone more brightly. In the spirit that lives within all of us, we too may hold onto a heavy-hearted darkness about ourselves, or places where there may be stumbling blocks to God’s love truly finding a home in our hearts. So, to celebrate a day of unconditional love, a sacred love, flowing forth from the heart of Jesus, is a devotion and a day of solemnity that brings hope to our world and a joy to our hearts. I would like to reflect a bit on why this solemnity of the Sacred Heart is a dear devotion for me and a devotion to which I owe my vocation to the priesthood recall the genesis of this devotion, and why for us it is a solemn day of celebration and a transforming devotion that will change our hearts and the heart of our world for good, for God. First, a personal story. When I was a young boy, our home parish, Immaculate Conception in Waukegan, Illinois, had to the left of the Altar, a huge mosaic to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I used to love to sit in front of that piece of art and was mesmerized in the connection between the love that Christ had in his eyes and the love that that exposed heart symbolized. Second, all celebrations, like this solemnity, have their beginnings. This story, is all about heart, the heart of a nun’s story, the heart of the Jesuit’s story. heart of our story. First, the heart of a nun’s story. The place was the Visitation convent at Paray-le-Monial in France. Between 1673 and 1675, our Lord appeared three times to a contemplative nun, Margaret Mary Alacoque, showed her his heart. In the first appearance, Jesus commissioned her to spread devotion to his sacred heart. In the second, he asked for Holy Communion and a Holy Hour of Reparation. Third, during the octave of Corpus Christi in 1675, Jesus asked her to see a special feast established in reparation to his heart for the injuries done it. He added: "Go to my servant the Jesuit Father, Claude de La ColombiĆ©re and tell him from me to do all in his power to establish this devotion and give this pleasure to my heart." And Claude did "all in his power." The young Jesuit whom Jesus identified to Margaret Mary as "my faithful servant and perfect friend" preached the devotion to the end of his short life. (source: https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/the-revelation-of-the-sacred-heart-of-jesus-paral-le-monial-france-13719. This devotion remains a devotion that is promoted and defended in the Society of Jesus to this day. even though celebrated with remains alive in the Society. In a more recent Jesuit General Congregation (General Congregation 35, 2008) the Jesuits stressed and emphasized promoting Christ’s sacred heart when it proclaims, “Nothing could be more desirable and more urgent today, since the heart of Christ burns with love for this world, with all its troubles, and seeks companions who can serve it with him.” And finally, Christ’s sacred heart and us. And so, what’s wrong with a little devotion, why has it become an outmoded practice. The word devotion is a word of affection, of love, of knowing that someone is so in love with us they are devoted to us, and in return we, in our love for them, and the things that represent them, like the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are so in love, so devoted to them. So, the heart of Christ, as well as our own hearts, symbolizes something wonderful, something that is about the lifeblood flowing through our veins yes, but also, of what is and should be the heart of our faith, the heart of our very life, and this, this is love divine. For love has the power to transform our very lives, to transform our world, in radical and wonderful ways, away from our own brokenness and need for healing, and into those places in this world that still live in darkness, oppression, hatred, and injustice, so that these places, these hearts of ours can feel too love’s clear promise of heaven. We recollect this image of Christ’s sacred heart, and see there a love given freely, a love fraught with all meaning, and see Christ’s love encouraging us to be brave, to not be afraid, for it’s only love after all. |
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