“Remember what he said to you…”
It is in the gospel of Luke alone that we hear the word, “remember.” “Remember what he said to you while he was till in Galilee, We might call this day, Holy Saturday, ‘reflection day.’ Luke is inviting us to remember, as in not-to-forget. Luke is inviting us to re-member as in to reconstruct, to make whole, to hold together. Today is a day of mourning, of grieving, of celebrating, of commemorating, of being with throughout the dark night until the light of resurrection. We are invited to enter into the emptiness of the tomb, the silence of the darkness, the solitude of aloneness. Today’s readings taken from Hebrew Scripture invite us to remember, reflect on, and be with, and hold significant events and faith stories upon which our faith is built: creation of universal harmony out of rampant chaos, the salvation of one family on behalf of all women and men and children, the parting of the Red Sea delivering the Israelites from death to freedom. Today’s readings taken from the New Testament invite us to remember, reflect on, and be with Jesus as he lives out of a strong Hebrew tradition into a new way of being. Remember Jesus who lived and walked among us. Remember the generous Jesus who fed the hungry, the compassionate Jesus who clothed the naked, the comforting Jesus who healed the sick. Remember…Remember…Remember… Remember the innocent Jesus who was crucified and died. Hold the mutilated body of the tortured Jesus. Comfort the sorrowing Mother Mary. This is the day of quiet, emptiness, silence and solitude. “Remember,( he will) rise on the third day.” |