Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
April 24th, 2010

Joan Lanahan

SPAHP/Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

                                “YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE”

What words does/is God speaking to you Today?  Are they words of mercy, of healing, of God’s goodness, of your goodness.  What are they?

The psalmist speaks of “all the good he (God) has done for me.”  Some of us just wake up in the morning and are able to say, “thanks, Lord, I am awake and alive and it’s a new day.”

Today, driving around Omaha, I noticed signs of spring: forsythia, daffodils, magnolias, crocus.  We longed for life and color during our long, hard winter.  It’s easy to say: “thanks God for the beauty of your creation.”

In Acts, Peter heals Aeneas from a chronic illness and raises Tabitha to life from death.  Many of us come to God for healing.

No doubt some of us are struggling with guilt and/or shame.  Hopefully we will hear God’s words of mercy as we grope through our problems.

Recently I heard God’s healing wisdom in a relationship I have been struggling to understand.   “You don’t have to do this anymore, Joan” was the gist of God’s truth.  That showed me God’s goodness, my friend’s goodness and my own goodness.

Perhaps, like Tabitha, we have been dead to our own goodness or to life within and around us.  It may be a dark period or depression.

God invites us to healing by working through our darkness.  Seek the guidance and wisdom of others, especially professionals when needed.  Listen to the voices who invite us to new knowings and releasing of pent up hurts…and freedom.

Jesus says today in John:
                “the words I give you are Spirit and Life”.

Hear God’s words to you today.  Listen and Live.

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