Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
May 14th, 2010

Joan Lanahan

SPAHP, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.


Yesterday (Sunday), a Jesuit homilist ended Mass with a story about a Mexican woman who had just had twins.  Her husband, undocumented, was picked up the next day and is in detention, waiting to be deported.  He, Fr. Neil, urged us to pray for the family and ended the liturgy with “Life is About Relationships”.  What a great pondering as we hear Jesus’ words, “love one another as I have loved you”.

Jesus says “instead I call you friends since I have made known to you all that I heard from My Father.”
What has/had Jesus heard from his/my/your/our Father?

Well, first and foremost, Jesus heard “You are my Beloved Son”.  You and I are God’s Beloved Sons and Daughters.  Just sit with this for a moment please.  What did you hear?  Yesterday, I heard that I, Joan, am Beloved of God…Beloved…of God.  There is so much Love and Power in those words when we FEEL them.

That Love of God means that God/Jesus/Spirit would love to have time with us.  All relationships need intimacy time.  Time when we can just be ourselves with one another.  Time when we can speak and listen to one another.  Time to play together.  Have you ever thought of God playing with you?  Those are moments of joy, wonderment, awe.

That Love of God means that God forgives us.  What burdens are you carrying today?  Can you tell them to God?  If you are culpable in any way, can you hear God say, “I FORGIVE YOU”.  Can you FORGIVE YOURSELF?

That Love of God means that God’s desire for ONENESS can be fulfilled in and by us.  God wants us to “LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU”.  That is the way Jesus phrased it.  To me that means, just as God loves me, God wants me to love others: to Love, Listen, Speak, Forgive others.

This is a mighty invitation.  We can’t do it alone.  We need God to help us.  We need one another to help us.  The consolation is, again in Jesus’ words, “I CHOSE YOU”.

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