As the rising sun is clear to all, so the glory of the LORD fills all his works.
Over the past couple of weeks the fabulous colors of the sunrises and sunsets have been as vibrant and bright as I can remember. The dark reds and purples stand out against the stark winter landscape. As we enter March and the eighth week of ordinary time, in many parts of the world the starkness of winter remains a part of the landscape. Yet, even before spring arrives with its wonderful colors and smells, one sees the glory of God in creation. The first reading and the psalm provide wonderful prayers to help us open our eyes to the wonder of God’s works around us.
The readings also remind us that we are part of that creation as well. We are also works of His hands. We were not only created, but God cares enough about us as His creatures to give us strength to be in a relationship in which we can “stand firm before his glory” and He can “plumb the depths and penetrate the heart”.
The gospel provides a picture of that relationship in Jesus’ human form. Bartimaeus recognizes Jesus and cries out to him. Others try to shush him, but he is not intimidated by the peer pressure. Nor is he too intimidated to leap up and run to Jesus when Jesus calls to him. Jesus asks what he desires and Bartimaeus replies that he wants to see. However, as the last line of the gospel recounts, his desire to see was not just so he could use his sight for his own purposes. As soon as he receives his sight he follows Jesus. Did he already have a desire to follow the Way, but felt that he could not because of his blindness? Did Jesus sense this? Is this part of what gave Bartimaeus confidence in his request and what made his desire so urgent? Is this part of what Jesus meant when he said that his faith had saved him?
Today let the majesty and splendor of creation remind us of what God is capable of doing in our lives if we are open to being His works. May we have the persistence and courage to plead for his mercy and life-changing graces over the din of everyday things that tend to shush us. May we leap to His presence confident that He will grant whatever is needed in order for us to follow the Way and bring Him glory.