Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
September 10th, 2011
Nancy Shirley

School of Nursing
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

Saturday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time
[442] 1 Timothy 1:15-17
Psalm 113:1b-2, 3-4, 5+6-7
Luke 6:43-49

Today’s reading both inspired and challenged me.  I take great comfort in trust I have in the very real presence of Jesus Christ in my life.  There is no doubt in my mind or heart, that He accompanies me every day of my life.  Whether I am worthy of that companionship every day is another story but any sense of distance or aloneness is my issue not a failure on His part. 

My greatest challenge is living this gift every day.   My life should reflect bathing in the presence and acting in ways that are worthy of that presence.  I guess that is why Grace is such a gift – unearned and given out of God’s love and mercy.  The psalm resounds with the blessings so freely given and the expectation in return – to sing His praises.  The gospel reminds us of fruitful trees that we may live fruitful lives.  In the last three weeks I have been to three wakes/memorial services.  As I heard these wonderful people eulogized, it was obvious that their lives were clearly symbols of good trees bearing good fruit.  The lives they touched were numerous from their own families to students and others. Their lives inspire me to emulate the One who inspires us all by His actions and cross.  As we celebrate the lives of others, I frequently think about my own mortality. Will my legacy “say” what I want?  Luckily, I’m still in control of that through what I do and how I act.

I am motivated to dig deeply and build that foundation on which my house dwells. Last month as I celebrated my birthday, I was moved to tears with the cards and sentiments from my children.  The cards that they chose and the words that they wrote comforted me in having faith in the foundation of my house.  My son’s added words spoke directly to my heart and soul.  He commented that “ . . . you have shaped the man I am today, so I may offer the same to my children.”  Did I mention, I am blessed??

In closing, I, as may be expected, am reminded of a song. During this summer, a song entitled Blessings by Laura Story kept playing in my head as I thought  about some of the challenges that my family and I are facing.  The lyrics ring so true for me:

What if your blessings come through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears? . . . What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?

With this very much on my mind as we face new challenges seemingly every day, I also received a beautiful PowerPoint just this week with similar sentiments.  Frame after frame, I was reminded of the power of Jesus – my dependency upon Him for everything meaningful in my life.  I know I am blessed beyond words and certainly beyond anything that I have earned.  I included links below to two Videos of this beautiful song, the second one includes the lyrics as the pictures are shown.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKgktNz6ICs&NR=1 (with lyrics)
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