We can so easily fill our lives with busyness, with watching what other people are doing that we fail to look inside of ourselves. What really matters? Yes, of course, the dishes will have to be cleaned eventually, but isn’t it better to savor a moment with the family? Let us also choose the better part and focus on what’s important. Isn’t it better to take the time to take that breath and be thankful for what I have and for the people in my life (as much as they might irritate me at times)? Sometimes we have to let go, put down the dishtowel and let God take our worry and our anxiety, to see that our focus remains true. I pray with gratitude and for peace and understanding. The first reading from Jonah reminds us that God is forgiving and will forgive us if we follow the right path. We have to be our own Jonahs and remind ourselves that we must keep our faces and our actions turned to God. |