In a world full of false gods and a world which promotes these false gods, it can be difficult to live remembering the messages of the Gospel. We are tempted all the time to make decisions for personal gain, forgetting that we are called to think and to behave “out of love ” as described in the Gospel. The readings today remind us of our faithfulness to God and all that Jesus modeled for us, while on earth. The Gospel messages show us how Jesus loved the weak and the strong, people of influence and people with no influence, the healthy and those lacking good health, people with money and power and those who owned nothing and had few options. Jesus asks us to be faithful to the Gospel, in our thoughts and in our actions, and to not “exchange the truth for a lie.” While there are endless temptations we are reminded to keep our faith strong, making the Gospel the backbone of who we are and how we live our lives. The Gospel messages are as alive today as they were in the time of Jesus and we are directly reminded that “The one who is righteous by faith will live”; and those who “Become vain in their reasoning, while claiming to be wise will become fools by exchanging the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of mortal man.” |