When we “sing a new song” we are asked to share our personal discoveries about the power of God in our lives; being vigilant and being witness to the wondrous deeds that have happened in our lives and in the lives of others. In attributing the wondrous deeds to our loving God, who cares deeply for us, we are reminded of our blessing, which is to live faith-filled lives. John the Baptist, announces the coming of Jesus, the Lord our God. Some, in the time of John, heard the message, believed and took the steps to be baptized, while others let his announcement fall on the desert ground, which did not allow for growth in the belief that Jesus was God. Today we live in a similar world … in Baptism we are given the gift of faith. As members of the Christian community we are asked to pay attention to the messages of Jesus, to live our lives according to what Jesus has taught us and to then share the “good news” with others so as to strengthen our faith and the faith of others. |