Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
August 20th, 2012

Carol Zuegner

Journalism Department
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Memorial of St. Bernard, abbot and doctor
[419] Ezekiel 24:15-23
Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21
Matthew 19:16-22


God asks more from us than just not doing wrong. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells a young man that he must keep the commandments and he must love his neighbor as himself. When the young man is able to check those things off his list, Jesus has one more. Sell what you have and give it to the poor.  Then, Jesus says, come and follow me.

In the Gospel, the young man went away sad for he had too much.  Many of us are like this young man. Overwhelmed with things that we don’t need, yet we want more and more. But I think it’s more than helping those less fortunate than we are. Breaking free of our possessions can help us see what is really important, especially in these days of so many screens – our computers, our tablets, our phones. The devices are essential for our jobs. They help us pray and laugh and connect with people around the globe.  But too often they are tools that can keep us from connecting with what’s important around us, our families, friends, ourselves.

With possessions and with people, we must be mindful, especially those of us who have the problem of too much. Let me be mindful of who I am before I start counting what I own. Let me be mindful of those who struggle to survive and do what I can for them. Let me thank God for my blessings.

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