At that moment, we ask God to accept us as we are and we know that he will, that he loves us as we muddle through life, as we make mistakes. I marvel at the faith of the centurion and those early, early Christians to believe so strongly, to have such unwavering faith in this son of a carpenter. We should be like the centurion, willing to turn everything over to God. That trust, that leap can be hard. We don’t like to give up our illusion of control. We sometimes would like our faith with a side of exceptions. We stand at the precipice and hesitate to take the leap of faith, our own fears holding us back. I think faith is a muscle, one that grows stronger as we exercise and stretch it. Making that leap of turning everything over to God everyday is one way to stretch and develop our faith. I am reminded of one of the prayers of St. Ignatius, the Suscipe or Take, Lord, Receive.