The parable in today’s gospel is a reminder that the talents or abilities that we possess are given to us by God. He does not want us to have a false humility about what he has given us and not develop and use them. We are expected to acknowledge these gifts and work to develop them to the fullest. God does not give us our talents and abilities just for our own purposes of accumulating personal wealth or gaining admiration for our talent. God gives us these gifts to be developed and utilized for the good of his kingdom here on earth. We all can do this in our interactions with others that recognize the other as a unique person made in God’s image. We can do this by sharing of our monetary wealth with those in need. We can do it by sharing our knowledge through teaching or writing. We can do it by creating and sharing pieces of art, dance or song. We can do it by caring for the ill or conducting business in a fair and ethical manner. We can do it by caring for the physical resources of this earth entrusted to us. As long as it is done for the good of God’s kingdom, it is the rightful use of our talents and resources and our reward will be great. We will be like the elders of John’s dream in todays reading saying: