A Pilgrim's Journey
Richard Hauser, S.J.
Theology Department

A journal on the experience of traveling to El Salvador on the 20th Anniversary of the deaths of the UCA Martyrs

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I am writing this reflection on Nov. 16.

I was moved beyond my expectations by being in El Salvador. Only recently has the personal significance been coming together.  

Contemplating the bodies of the six Jesuit martyrs and their two women companions displayed on the entry to St. John’s Church this weekend  crystallized my reflections.

What do I live for? What am I willing to die for?

Am I living primarily to serve the Kingdom of God by serving others here at Creighton University?

Or am I living primarily to serve myself and to be successful in an academic career?
Do I permit obstacles and difficulties in my ministry to impede my motivation? Or do I embrace these challenges and allow God to transform my heart through them?

My six murdered Jesuit brothers are eloquent witnesses for my deepest aspirations. They  served others through their service at the University of Central America. They embraced the almost unimaginable obstacles in their ministry,  not allowing these obstacles to deter them, and witnessed to their deepest aspirations through their deaths.  I am inspired.

I am inspired equally by my two Jesuit classmates, Jon Cortina and Jon Sobrino, who escaped death only by being absent from the community the night of the murders. Knowing they risked their lives they nonetheless remained faithful to their university ministry.

My prayer: May I be as faithful in following Jesus in living the Paschal Mystery in my university ministry as were — and are — my El Salvadoran Jesuit brothers!

Richard Hauser, S.J.
Theology Department
Creighton University

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