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Reflections on the Daily Readings
from the Perspective of Creighton Students

December 3rd, 2012
Sam Eiffert
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They shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks;
One nation shall not raise the sword against another,
nor shall they train for war again

This reading from Isaiah seems to be suggesting that once the Lord’s house is established as the highest, then there will no longer be a need for war.  I think when the reading refers to the Lord’s house the intended meaning is the Kingdom of God.  When I think about the Kingdom of God, and what that might be, I tend to think liberation theology.  Perhaps what these verses are saying is that if the Kingdom of God is established as the highest order of law for all people and nations, then there would be no place for war.  This makes intuitive sense as this would mean that all people live in love, mutual respect, and understanding for each other.  We would work together to end the most violent forms of human degradation.   

War has been a reality of the human condition since before history began to be recorded.  It saddens me that this is the case; is it worth the human loss and destruction on both sides?  Maybe we should reconsider if just war theory is really just.  (Just war theory finds its origins within the Christian tradition with Aquinas and Augustine; the idea is to provide a code or certain criteria of conduct that should be met in war).

My point here is simply to question whether there is such a thing as a just war.  Specifically within the Christian tradition, which teaches love thy enemy, war becomes difficult to justify.  And if we are being sincere in making real the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, then instead of a war on terror, we might find ourselves in a war to end poverty.

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