December 28, 2023
by Barbara Dilly
Creighton University - retired
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Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
Lectionary: 698

1 John 1:5—2:2
Psalm 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8
Matthew 2:13-18

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Christmas Daily Prayer

A Parent Reflects on Jesus' Parents

Praying with the Aftermath of Christmas

The readings in 1 John today reminded me of an old hymn based on the lines “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”  I found two versions of the theme. The hymn “I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus” is my favorite. The lyrics go like this: “In him there is no darkness at all, I want to walk as a child of light, I want to walk as a child of God, in Him there is no darkness at all. God sent the stars to give light to the world, the star of my life is Jesus, in Him, there is no darkness at all, the night and day are both alike, the Lamb is the light of the city of God, shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. I want to see the brightness of God, I want to look at Jesus, clear sun of righteousness, shine on my path, and show me the way to the Father. I am looking for the coming of Christ, I want to be with Jesus. When we have run with patience the race, we shall know the joy of Jesus.”  Now, in this season of Christmas, this lovely message in 1 John and the song it inspired certainly enhance our celebration of the joy of Jesus.

These favorite words are more than just sentimental favorites, however. They inspire us to look for the light of Jesus and the brightness of God in the world around us. Reflecting on the light that is Jesus and how we can interpret it in the light of the season, I wrote these verses about the winter solstice, which we experienced just a few short days before Christmas. They are dark.

When winter nights turn to joy and good cheer, we first must pass through the longest night of the year. The earth in its orbit so far from the sun, let us all consider the good deeds of light left undone.

Now let us reflect on earth’s solstice sorrows: poverty, hatred, hunger, and violent storms.
Bigotry, racism, injustice, in all its forms. Let us seek light for our earth’s bright tomorrows.
Too many people are living in fear, in hopes that deliverance will soon be here,
Yet, we are mired in darkness so far from light, let us pause and consider what we can make right.
Too many hearts are weary and worn, too many children in anguish are born,
And too many people never see them at all, they live in the darkness and cannot hear their call.
Now is the season to seek warmth for our hearts, now is the season to make our new starts.
To work our way back to the glow of the Son and bring His life-giving blessings to everyone.

There are indeed too many sorrows in this earth, but I am reflecting on and rejoicing in how much the Lord has been with us, rescuing our souls to walk in the light of Jesus. In Him there is no darkness at all!

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