January 19, 2023
by Carol Zuegner
Creighton University's Journalism Department
click here for photo and information about the writer

Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 314

Hebrews 7:25—8:6
Psalm 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17
Mark 3:7-12

Praying Ordinary Time

Judging Others? Or Ourselves?

Maybe we all feel a little overwhelmed sometimes by the work, the expectations and the people in our lives. When all three combine, we look for ways to ease the stress, perhaps a break to take a walk outside. That’s what I thought about when I read today’s Gospel: How Jesus withdrew to the sea and had the apostles make a boat ready. All of those crowds of people must have been overwhelming, and Jesus continued to preach and heal and be there for those who came to see him. He needed some space to do his work, and he continued that work. He focused on the people around him.

What I take away from the readings is to renew my own efforts to carry out my work to the best of my ability, and to remember to care for those around me and for myself in doing that.  St. Ignatius said: “Love ought to show itself in deeds more than words.” Jesus did that for us. How can I show love in deeds today? How can I in small ways and big ways find God in all things? Love shown in deeds can quietly ripple out in my life and into the world. Think of how someone showed love to you in a small act of kindness or help and how that love blossomed inside of you. If I build on smaller acts of love, the everyday deeds of doing a good job, being considerate of others, lending a helping hand when it’s convenient and when it’s not convenient, giving someone grace or another chance. This I can do today and every day. My prayer today is that I practice showing love in deeds, large and small, in my work, and with my family and friends.

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