Daily Reflection March 24, 2025 |
To me, this passage feels a bit frustrating, and left me a little confused. I am frustrated that the widows and Naaman the Syrian were chosen for miracles over the general population. And while my first impression is that the Gospel should not make me feel such emotions, introspection makes me think that maybe this was the intended response. Growth is uncomfortable. The Bible is a great instrument of change, and therefore it probably needs to make us a bit uncomfortable to accomplish its purpose. Why am I uncomfortable that they were chosen? My human side screams that it’s not fair! Why would Jesus choose a few widows over a starving population, or a doubting Syrian over a devout follower? Perhaps the widows and the Syrian needed it more. And, perhaps us readers needed to learn a few lessons. Firstly, that God determines what is just. We are on this earth not to judge, but to do His will. Part of that will is to serve those in need, no matter how different they are from us. Furthermore, we must pray and trust that God’s plan for us is better than anything we can imagine for ourselves. Of course, this is difficult. But, our first reading today provides us an example through Naaman’s story. He is encouraged to see the prophet in Israel for healing by a member of his household. Interestingly, he went to the king of Israel instead of the prophet as instructed. The belief was surely that if any being had the power to cure leprosy, it could only be a mortal king. Said king was distressed by Naaman’s request, as we can see by the tearing of his garments. The king of Israel even thought this could be a provocation of war from Naaman’s king in Aram because who is he to save a man from death? (For historical context, there is a history of wars between Syria and Israel. Something we can, again, see in our first reading because the servant girl who encourages Naaman to go to the prophet was taken from Israel as a spoil of war). Who is he, indeed, compared to our God? It was certainly out of his power to heal a man. And, he had no relationship with the prophet Elisha, who could heal the man. The king of Israel was in an impossible situation. Although, the prophet heard of the king’s distress and asked him to send Naaman his way. At the same time, the calm intervention Elisha makes is a small rebuke to the king, because it reminds him, he has no relationship with the God of Israel, but he could if he wished. So, Naaman makes his way to Elisha’s house, but is not given a grand reception. He is spoken to by a messenger, though still receives a way to be healed! But, even upon receiving what he had traveled great lengths for, he complained that it did not happen in the way he wanted. We can see that he is ungrateful, angry even. And yet, he does as the prophet instructed and is cured. Immediately his attitude changes! He proclaims that he knows no God but the God in Israel. How many of us have doubted God’s plans for us even up until the last second? Tried to avoid the way he was nudging us or complained and prayed for anything different to happen. Have we thanked and worshiped God only after we got what we wanted? We should take heart, though, because we are no less worthy of God’s love and attention, as Naaman was. We may occasionally stray from the path of his direction, but God will seek out the one to bring them home. My prayer today is that we may have the fortitude to praise the Lord through our trials. To spend consistent time in prayer listening to God so that we might discern our path. Finally, that we may serve all those in need, and be happy for those who receive God’s grace. |
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