May 3, 2022
by Gladyce Janky
Creighton University's Business and Law
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Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles
Lectionary: 561

1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Psalm 19:2-3, 4-5
John 14:6-14

Celebrating Easter Home

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Feeling Our Hearts Burn With Hope

Our Hope for Everlasting Life

Philip said to him, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.”  What a gift Philip gives to us in the here and now.  As he continues to question, despite Jesus’ response to Thomas (I am the Way the True and the Light), I have an opportunity to connect my faith to that of the apostles, the witnesses of the ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ.  Sometimes, I hear a rebuke for lack of faith in reading these words.  This time, I hear a prompting of the Holy Spirit, nudging both Thomas and Philip to question.  The questions open the door for me to become more aware of two things.

First, I can trust Jesus with all of my questions.  If I have doubts or do not understand, he will not reject me but patiently respond with a fuller explanation.  He will not demand that I believe; instead, he will reassure me of his presence and remind me that he longs for my companionship. 

Secondly, he knew some 2000 years following his earthly ministry, the world’s darkness would weigh heavily on his followers.  Today I notice the war in Ukraine, human trafficking, and the lack of respect for all persons’ equal dignity, all leading me to ask Master, where are you, and where is the Father?  

The answers to my questions and doubts do not come as a bolt of lightning knocking me off my chair.  Reading about the doubles of the witnesses, Thomas, Philip, and others, give me the courage to ask my questions.  My question, Where are you, is answered when I take the time to notice the work of everyone committed to building God’s Kingdom. 

In times of doubt, I have learned to stop, recall the witnesses’ stories, and seek what is life-giving.  The risen Christ, who declares, I am the way, the truth, and the life. 

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