May 10, 2022
by Mirielle Mason
Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
click here for photo and information about the writer

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Lectionary: 280

Acts 11:19-26
Psalm 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7
John 10:22-30

Celebrating Easter Home

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Prayers by and for Mothers

During my undergraduate summers, I had the absolute pleasure of working on a dude ranch. My boss’s wife kept a herd of goats that roamed free on the property, and we only rounded them up for health checks a few times a year. But the property was vast, with many places for little goats to hide, not to mention the fact that goats are so hard to herd! They run away from the slightest threat, and usually keep to themselves. How could we find them all? Well… we did not have to. My boss’s wife called to them, they knew her voice, and came when she called. It was a magnificent thing to see - hundreds of goats emerging from the woods to come to the one person they knew and trusted. Witnessing this reminded me of the scripture passage that is today’s gospel reading.  Instead of goats, we are sheep following God, our shepherd. However, there is one major difference that stands out to me: we are not always so trusting of God’s voice.

The relationship between a shepherd and their flock is one that fascinates me. A good shepherd has the best interests of the flock in mind, and the flock trusts in the care of the shepherd. This relationship is built on familiarity and consistency. The animals learn how to identify the shepherd and find solace in the care provided.  The gospel reading today gives some insight as to how this dynamic can be enriching to us as followers of Christ. Throughout our lives, we learn to hear God’s call and trust in the love He has for us. Leaning into this relationship can give us opportunities to flourish. What things may we be able to accomplish if we fully accepted all the gifts that come with being a part of the Lord’s flock?

Dear God our Shepherd, give me the strength to hear and to heed your call. Help me to be a sheep that brings others to your flock, and to trust in the relationship with you, our shepherd, rather than ask for proof of who you are.

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