Daily Reflection July 22, 2024 |
Praying Ordinary Time |
If we were asked to describe St. Mary Magdalene in one word, most of us would likely be flummoxed. But, if we looked back on where she was during the key moments in Jesus’s life, we might have a clue. Mary was there with Jesus on his fateful arrival into Jerusalem. I think most of us would agree that Mary’s actions and selfless conduct are a testament to her loyalty to Christ. She was there for him during his triumphs and there for him at the lowest times during his life on earth. Loyalty is a virtue we all admire and seek, whether that means us being faithful to a friend or member of our family, or hoping that our loyalty will be returned by the same friends and family members. With loyal family and friends, we feel more confident in what we say and do. We have their emotional support to lean on when times are tough, and we know their honest feedback is meant not to hurt, but to help us grow. Mary saw her loyalty to Christ and his ministry as a privilege. Do we? Can our loyalty be questioned when it comes to serving Christ and the church? Is supporting the ministry of the church and being part of a strong parish privileges to which we are loyal and committed? Are we willing and able to be like Mary Magdalene and be present when needed most? Or, are we more likely to shrink into the shadows like Peter at the crow of the rooster? These are all tough questions. But questions worthy of our reflection. For if we truly admire St. Mary Magdalene and her role as the Apostle to the Apostles, as described by St. Thomas Aquinas and confirmed by Pope Francis when he made July 22nd the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, we need to think long and hard about where we stand on the loyalty scale with Christ, the church, and how we live out our faith. So, as we go about our daily Examen of Conscience and review our day, let’s try to focus on God’s constant presence and love for us and how God is impacting our lives. Let us reflect that the loyalty of Mary pales in comparison to the loyalty God has for each of us. His support for us in our times of need is endless. What can we do in return, to demonstrate our loyalty to God and to the Church? "Do not weep or grieve or be in doubt, for his grace will be with you all and will protect you. Rather, let us praise his greatness, for he has prepared us and made us truly human." The Gospel of Mary |
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