August 6, 2024
Jeanne Schuler
Creighton University's Department of Philosophy
click here for photo and information about the writer

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Lectionary: 614

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 9
2 Peter 1:16-19
Mark 9:2-10
Praying Ordinary Time

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Pope Francis on the Transfiguation in 2014

The Transfiguration

“A change is gonna come.  O yes it will.”  Sam Cooke

Jesus anticipates the trouble brewing in Jerusalem.  He shares these premonitions with his companions.  He will be mocked, spit upon, tortured, and killed.  He senses that his followers would deny him and flee.  The vision of abandonment is chilling.

A few days later Jesus knew to climb the mountain with his close friends.  It is hard to breathe the thick air of horror.  How do they recognize Moses and Elijah in conversation with Jesus?  A lowly carpenter in dialogue with the prophets of old?  It is too much to fathom.  They must act.  “Let’s build tents as dwellings for the holy ones.”  The voice from the cloud fills them with wonder and fear.  They cling to this glimpse of glory as they descend to the troubles below.

Glory can shoot across the sky like fireworks.  In Daniel’s visions, the throne of the ancient one is ablaze, and multitudes serve him.  Earlier Daniel pictures hostile empires as beasts that devour God’s people. The Son of man is promised dominion over nations.  This epic view of glory takes a quiet form in the gospels.  Jesus draws strength from the comforting words of elders.  He encounters the truth of resurrection from the prophets of old.  Death does not have the last word.  Life keeps rising within us; these embers don’t die out. 

This kingdom is not imposed by nations and armies.  We are not enthralled by clever myths about dominion.  We hear the voice from above: “this is my beloved.”  In the kingdom of mercy and love, no one is devoured.  Sinners are offered forgiveness and welcomed back home.  Like Jesus, each one is cherished. 

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